Tuesday, 6 September 2011

The 3rd Kit from the 90s

So the new Pompey 3rd kit has been announced, strange to announce it so late into the season, usually it's all done at once in August. Immediatley sparked my interest from the bold red and black colours, harking back to the old kit from 93-94 season, which is probably my first season of watching Portsmouth games.
Some say it's too similar to Southampton's kit? Why, because it's red? Some fans seriously need to get a grip on reality, we play in red socks and I don't see anyone comparing that to Southampton, nor does having white shorts are similar to Southampton?

Anyway here is the new 3rd kit!
It's got the same H style 'panel' look on the front which is on the rest of the kits. The 93-94 away kit is reversed with the red being on the left hand side. This way round almost makes it look like what Mr Fry pointed out as 'similar to Harley Quinn' which is true! The Kappa women is a interesting reversal of each side.
Just for comparison here is the old 93-94 kit;
Still prefer this one I feel, and still prefer the black kit. I can't name many teams where we shall need to wear this 3rd kit for...

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